Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Transporter 3 Poster Art

While Mark is away, he may click on the blog and see what is happening and I thought I would surprise him with the new poster art for Transporter 3. Mark is a big Statham fan (a little bit of a man-crush happening there). The poster is for the french release of the film and has quite a Bond-esque feel about it, don’t you think? The movie is released November 26th.



Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hermophobia #5: Geekgasm!

This week Allen basks in the afterglow of the Benatar concert while Mark forgoes rubber ears and attends Gatecon.


discussed in this episode:


Neil GiraldoPat Benatar 

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Hermophobia #4: Don’t Leave Grandpa in the Car!

This week Allen explores the differences between Event Films and Blockbusters, while Mark ponders if technology has become too involved in Olympic Swimming.

night_watch day_watch



DVD/Movie Picks

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Hermophobia #3: Pimento?

Our third kick at the can was plagued with audio problems, which we will have ironed out by the next podcast (we hope!). Adhering to the mantra `the show must go on,`on we went as best we could.

This week Mark is perplexed by Pride, while Allen hates on Blu-Ray.

Again, apologies for the audio quality!

Discussed on this episode:



  • Pride Parade
  • We Have a Listener!!!! Shout out to Martini and thanks for the comments
  • Dark City
  • The "I'm Rich" i-phone app
  • Podcast Spotlight: Smodcast
  • Kevin Costner
  • Zombie Zombie video
  • Earworms
  • Remake Watch: 10, Rock n’ Roll Highschool, Six Pack & more
  • Blu-Ray: It's such a scam! ABI Study, Carrie, Ammityville Horror
  • Dvd/Movie Picks

    B00195FUDC.01.LZZZZZZZ51892HGXAYL._SS500_Allen`s Picks:
    The Descent



    410B7RNYNGL._SS500_51XVPNHH0NL._SS500_Mark`s Picks:
    Ghost World




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  • Sunday, August 3, 2008

    Hermophobia #2: You Can’t Make Us Cry...

    Mark and Allen return with their second installment of the podcast. Mark is fairly happy with his new sandals while Allen is lovin on the new Nine Inch Nails album (download it free and legal at, and they both manage to mind-meld with another Gilmore Girls reference!

    The Watchmen coming in 2009discussed in this episode:

    alienquadrilogyr12artworkbox spacedcompseriesr1art1

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